Friday, January 9, 2009

Have you ever. . .

In loving memory of my Father

Have you ever dreamed of someone

who no longer lives?

After the winter of denial,

disbelief, longing and tears -

in an unexpected flash of Time -

have you seen him unfold

from layers and layers of neatly folded,

safely packed away memories?

Have you tried reaching to touch

and felt your fingers brush the air?

Have you tasted the dawning anger,

and imbibed the mocking emptiness;

awakened to find yourself drenched

in the fit of frenzy

of such an etheral, cruel dream -

which, as unexpectedly as it came,

quietly, on padded paws, flees?

Have you ever tried asking "WHY?"

to the one who no longer is?

Then did you sit up crying,

wishing you could just one more time

hold him for a split second

even if in your dreams?

Copyright © F. Atalay 1997

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